The Company of the Rose: Acting & Dance Companies

Arnold Conner, ale conner
Mark Allen

Lady Thomasin Templeton
Heather Bagnall

Fortune Blunt, Steward of the Mayor's Household
Nat Berelovich

Nan Rash, The Society of Vagabonds
Katie Rey Bogdan

Thomas Bodley, Hunter of the Disorderly Dead
Charles Boyington

Lottie Grimm
Lilly Burchfield

Matthew McGregor, Mayor of Revel Grove
Keegan Cassady

Mistress Day, Revel Grove Dance Company
Day Ajose

Master Reginald Waldegrave, Justice of the Peace
Matthew Crawford

Mistress Beatrice McGregor
Sarah Dunne

Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk
Randy Dalmas

Margery Malagrave, professional mourner
Emily Dalton

Constance Payne
Wendy Renee Cade

Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk
Christopher Ellison

Aoife O'Neill, laundress & Mayor's cousin
Amber Gibson

Cecily Clack, cook
K. Tony Korol-Evans

Lady Margaret Douglas
Kaitlyn Fowler

Mal Rose, The Society of Vagabonds
Holly Gibbs

Follentine Hilles, The Society of Vagabonds.
Brian Gilbert

Master Ernest, Revel Grove Dance Company
Ernest Fleischer

George Grimm, bailiff
Bobby Henneberg

Master Thomas Cromwell, Principal Secretary
Steven J. Hoochuk

Mistress Gifty, Revel Grove Dance Company
Gifty Amponsem

Anne Seymour, Viscountess Beauchamp
Stephanie Ichniowski

Master Thomas Bury, Gentleman Singer of the Chapel Royal
Cory Jones

Jean Cabot, the Pirate Queen
Mary Ann Jung

Mistress Anna, Revel Grove Dance Company
Anna Mills

Millicent "Millie" Appleton
Emily Karol

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Hunter of the Disorderly Dead
Steven Edward Kirkpatrick

Henry 'Harry' Knuckles
John Lasher

Henry Courtenay, 1st Marquess of Exeter
Matt Leyendecker

Mistress Jess, Revel Grove Dance Company
Jess McGowan

Moll Frith, The Society of Vagabonds
Josie Morgan

Dottie Grimm
Anabel Milton

King Henry VIII
Fred Nelson

Sir Francis Bryan
Glen Pearson

Master Paul, Revel Grove Dance Company
Paul Pesnell

Drake Mansworth, sheriff
Thomas Plott

Dr. Nicholas Kratzer, Court Astronomer
John Sadowsky

Baron Templeton, Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire (?)
Luke Tudball

Master Thomas Seymour and Revel Grove Dance Company member
Reed Sigmon

Queen Jane Seymour
Laurie Simonds

Jacques 'Jack' Ripley, dance master
Randy Snight

Cecily Payne
Betsy Schugar

Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford
Julia Williams

Fight Corps - The Village Militia
Sheriff Drake Mansworth
Tom Plott
James Frank
Captain Julienne Romero
Geoff Thompson
Dash Rippington
Casey M. Severn
Henry "Harry" Knuckles
John Lasher
Carmita Romero
Natalie Fairchild
Royal attendants, Living History Performers, Pathway Acts
Royal Guard
Joseph Abernethy, Russ Ware
Royal Trumpeters
Travis Beebe, Nathan Durham, Alex Perlroth
Conundrum, street magician
Todd A. Brown
Robert Cooper, spinner
Eric Crouse
Nymblewyke and his flea circus
James Frank
Militia Tent Associates
Robert Slater, Dar White
Digger Plotts, grave digger and sin eater
Wes Holden
Hoop Artist
Erin Jeannier
Ginger Whimsey, living statue
Alice Wilson
Inquisitive Corvids
Dollz Entertainment
Don Quixote
Sean Costas
Out of the Box
Cybele Pomeroy, Erin Tarpley, Talis Tighe, Jeremiah Pollack, Liz Richardson
Mimi the Mime
Cybele Pomeroy
Sir Real, the Puppet Man
Gabriel Quick
Michele G. Schultz
Rosamund Wooler, weaver
Kelli Rogers
Emily Needles, knitter
Emilie Sadowsky
William Tanner, leathersmith
Brian Woodyard
Military History Tent
Norman Carey, SaraBeth Dukes, Meyer Kachel, Brett Farnum